Unbind from the shadows of suffering, fear and self-limited beliefs, replacing them by loving thoughts and beliefs, weaving a new inner brilliance of self.


    Awaken inner wisdom, elevate self-love, self-trust, self-worth and self-confidence bringing emotional well-being.


    Experience expansion of your soul, through loving awareness and mindfulness—a life that resonates with the melody of your heart and aligned with truest self.

Hypnosis is a powerful practice I use to help you achieve positive changes by tapping into your subconscious mind. Through personalized guided sessions, we can unlock your inner resources, release limiting beliefs, and foster shifts in your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It's a safe and effective tool that addresses a variety of issues, from gaining clarity and overcoming habits and fears to enhancing personal growth and well-being.

You might be wondering, will hypnosis make me do something I do not want to do? Absolutely not. For hypnosis to work, you must genuinely desire the change. This is where I come in to help. Whether you want to gain clarity, reach a goal, face a fear, or adopt better habits, hypnosis can be the perfect solution. By working with both your subconscious and conscious mind, we can gently and effectively create the changes you desire.

Do you want to know if hypnosis can help you? Book your free discovery call to see if this modality is right for you.



Anabell Ciuffardi is a Certified Mindfulness-Based Hypnotherapist and Meditation Teacher devoted to guiding individuals on a mindful journey toward expansive being. She helps unbind limited beliefs, awaken inner wisdom and foster emotional well-being creating inner fulfillment by elevating the subconscious mind and expanding conscious awareness.

As the founder of More Love More Magic™, Anabell offers a sanctuary for personalized remote one-on-one sessions, online and live group classes, and rejuvenating wellness retreats. Her integrative process, rooted in neuroscience, positive psychology, therapeutic imagery, mindfulness, energetics, and body-mind-soul connection nourishing holistic transformation.

Anabell is certified in clinical hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapy Motivational Institute in California. She continuously enhances her training with teachers rooted in mindfulness, the present moment, and self-development, such as Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chödrön, Eckhart Tolle, Brené Brown, Kristin Neff, and Jon Kabat-Zinn. Weaving neuroscience and the wisdom of mindfulness into her practice, she has created a unique approach that fosters deep and lasting change


“I am so grateful to be working with Anabell!  As a licensed therapist, I have a pretty high bar for those I seek help from and Anabell is a gift and a blessing in my life!  She is so warm, professional, kind, highly intuitive and skilled.  During each session she asks me what's happening, listens, understands, and empathizes.  Then we do guided meditation and hypnosis and Anabell always gives me practical tools I can use on my own to center myself and stay in alignment with my goals and how I want to show up in my life. And she always promptly sends me a recording of our hypnosis.  Anabell is top-notch in her field.  She is better than any licensed therapist I have ever gone to! Truly! I highly recommend her! “ - Amy

"Working with Anabell has been a gift.  Her gentle and collaborative approach allowed me to reflect more deeply on my intentions, clarify my needs and heal from past hurt through building trust with my inner child, step by step.   Anabell's kindness and professionalism provided a healthy balance of structure and play in the creation of hypnosis scripts.  I appreciated the personalized hypnosis recordings which helped to reinforce new learning between sessions.  I was surprised at how many different kinds of issues can be helped through hypnosis and how quickly I could observe real change in my life.  I highly recommend working with Anabell and her mindfulness-based hypnosis approach." - Katie

Anabell's ability to transverse all that 'once was a part of my view and surroundings' is an incomparable skill set that she has as a practitioner. Her ability to put me at ease, her attention to detail, and the trust I felt I could have in her have all allowed me to make significant progress. I was able to move forward in ways that I couldn't have imagined before we started working together.  I highly recommend Anabell if you're feeling stuck and seeking subconscious shifts and changes that will bring expansion into your daily life.  I can't say enough about her magical ways, and I am filled with heartfelt gratitude for the transformation she has brought into my life. -Tracy (Mercy) Silva